Monday, October 8, 2012

Vocabulary #7

1) ad infinitum- to infinity; endlessly; without limit.
The last day of school felt ad infinitum everyone wanted school to be oover already.
 2) Apportion
 3) bona fide- made, done, presented
The girls slide show was bona fide everyone like it.
 4) buoyant
 5) clique-
 6) concede- Admit that something is true or valid after first denying
When the teacher caught the boy texting he first concede about him texting then he changed his reply.
 7) congenial- Pleasant because of a personality,
My best friend is a very congenial person she is soo happy all the time.
 8)lofty- elevated in character and spirit
The persident of the United States is a very lofty person but not a lot of people like him as a persident.
9) migration- to move from one country, place.
The farmers in the east moved to the west because of the old rush.
 10)perceive- to understand something
My math teacher is very good at explaining fractions I perceive all the information.
11) perverse- to change from good to bad
My mom always told me not to perverse because people change in high school.
12) prelude- To prepaid for something very big.
My dance class had a special event and we preluded all night long.
 13)rancid- having a rank of smell or taste.
Some foods become rancid quickly
 14)rustic-of, relating to
the hotel has a rustic feeling look at the wall paper.
15) sever- Divide by cutting or slicing
My mom sever's the meat when its frozen.
 16)sordid involving ignoble “not honorable” actions
The teachers son is sordid he always gets sent to the office.
 17)untenable- Not able to be maintained
The kids on the show nanny 911 are untenable and they are super crazy and rude.
18) versatile- capable of
My mom is versatile she keeps everyone in the family on check.
19) vindicate- Clear (someone) of blame
The police vindicated the underage kids of smoking because they wernt smoking they were just pretending to smoke.
20) wane-to decrease in size
When you want to lose weight you could wane the stuff you eat.

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