Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Dream Within A Dream by Edgar Allan Poe

    To me this poem sounds like he is in love but he is too attached and maybe he has never fallen in love like that and thinks its all a dream. Maybe he thinks this is all fake and he is just dreaming that he is in love because everything seems soo perfect for the first time. Happy ending are almost in every movie and in real life happy ending are almost never. When someone is really happy you can tell that they are happy but in this poem he seems confused, lost and and practically giving up on something that seems fake to him just like a dream.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Young Goodman Brown Questions

1) He was being tested to see if he trusted the people from him community and specially his wife.

2) Faith does not  match her name because she is evil and untrustworthy.

3) The pink ribbons on her hair signify how innocent and immature she is.

5) The man in the story is the devil.

7) If Brown had not ventured into the forest his life would probably would still be the same old faith and he wouldn't of had a clue of what was really going on in the